Workshop: „Approaching the Practices of Reading Comics: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Interface Studies“
Workshop „Approaching the Practices of Reading Comics: Perspectives from Phenomenology and Interface Studies“ – 29 & 30 November 2019, FU Berlin – veranstaltet von Lukas R. A. Wilde & Björn Hochschild – in Zusammenarbeit mit der AG Comicforschung und dem Cinepoetics Center for Advanced Film Studies
Ich werde am 30sten einen Input geben zu: »Made of pure internet« Metamedial Engagement and Technostalgia in Homestuck und freue mich schon auf den ganzen Workshop.
„The workshop addresses questions on how readers engage with comics as texts, as material objects, as complex visual surfaces, or as structured experiences. With a different focus than the many narratological, formalistic, or semiotic approaches to comics and comics scholarship, two theoretical perspectives are put in relation to each other and to the medium: a potential ‚comic book phenomenology,‘ as well as the theoretical and analytical considerations of recent interface studies. Together, these approaches might conceptualize comic reading as an experience with and in relation to deliberately designed surfaces and a distribution of agency between artists and readers, facilitated by material and technological affordances. „